Expungement Eligibility

Check to see if you might qualify to have your records expunged.

You may be eligible for Expungement for the following:

  • Expungement of Juvenile Records
  • Expungement of Juvenile Records for Dismissed Cases
  • Expungement of Drug Offenses for Persons 21 and under
  • Expungement for Cases of Identity Theft
  • Expungement for Certain Very Old Misdemeanor Larceny Convictions
  • Expungement for Misdemeanor Possession of Alcohol (Under 21)
  • Expungement of  Misdemeanors Committed before 18th Birthday
  • Expungement when charges are dismissed or there are findings of not guilty.
  • Expungement when a Pardon of Innocence is Granted by the Governor
  • Expungement for first offenders (21 and younger) of certain toxic vapors/drug paraphernalia charges.
  • Expungement of certain Gang Offenses (17 and younger)
  • Expungement of non-violent felonies committed under the age of 18
  • Expungement of Older Nonviolent Misdemeanor and Felony Convictions (15 years later)

How Can We Help?

Use the contact form below, email us, visit our main website or call us now at 919-948-7159.

Lindsey Granados

Lindsey Granados
