Expungement Law Blog & News

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The Seven Year Myth – NC Expungements

The Seven Year Myth – NC Expungements

Do criminal charges fall off of your record after seven years? In North Carolina, they do not. Many people believe criminal charges disappear after seven years. However, this is a myth that has likely spread because of the confusion with financial hits disappearing...


MESSAGE FROM WILEY NICKEL I have some very exciting, yet bittersweet news! On November 8th, I won my race for Congress in North Carolina’s 13th District. Because of my new position as a member of the United States House of Representatives, I am no longer able to...

NC Dismissal Expungements

NC Dismissal Expungements

  North Carolina Dismissal Expungements If your North Carolina criminal record includes a dismissed charges, or not guilty verdicts, you can get your criminal record cleared through the North Carolina expungement process. Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to answer...

Mecklenburg County Expungement Lawyer

The Law Offices of Wiley Nickel, PLLC handles expungements in Mecklenburg County North Carolina.  Are you looking for a Mecklenburg County Expungement Lawyer to help with your North Carolina Expungement? The expungement lawyers at https://expungemyncrecord.com may be...

What is a North Carolina Expungement?

What is a North Carolina Expungement?

What is an Expungement in North Carolina? A North Carolina criminal expungement is a legal process that petitions the Court to remove a criminal conviction or a criminal charge from a person’s record and to destroy the state’s records of the arrest, charge, and/or...