NC Expungement Information

NC Expungement Information

Important Note:  If your case was dismissed it will NOT be expunged automatically by the courts.  You need to file a petition to have your charges expunged from the system.  If you do not file an expungement petition the record will remain visible forever.  Example: If you were charged with Assault and the case was dismissed – any future employers, schools or housing agencies will see that you were charged with the crime and have questions about it.  It’s never a good first impression in any circumstance.

1.  Find out if you qualify for an expungement.  Contact The Law Offices of Wiley Nickel, PLLC for a free consultation to determine whether or not you qualify for a North Carolina expungement of your criminal charges.  We will review your records and let you know whether or not you qualify for an expungement.

2.  Confirm that you have not used a dismissal expungement before.  Generally you are only allowed to expunge a dismissed charge one time in North Carolina with some exceptions.  An attorney at our office will explain how this works.  As an example you can have cases expunged if your identity was stolen.

3.   File an Expungement Petition with the Court in the County where your case was dismissed.  An attorney in our office will file an expungement petition on your behalf.  You simply need to make payment to our office and provide some basic information to our office.

4.  Wait approximately 4-6 months for your petition to work its way through the system.  There’s no way to tell exactly how long this will take but on our end all we can do is file the petition with the courts and wait.  All counties take different times to process this sort of paperwork.

5.  Receive your certified expungement petition back from the courts and feel confident knowing that all official records of your charge have been erased.

The Law Offices of Wiley Nickel, PLLC handles expungement petitions for disimissed cases for the entire state of North Carolina.  We handle expungement petitions in all counties including Wake, Durham, Chatham, Orange, Mecklenburg, Guilford, Forsyth, Cumberland, New Hanover, Buncombe, Johnston & Harnett.

Contact Expungement Attorney Wiley Nickel at 919-585-1486 or directly by e-mail at for a free initial consultation.  Our office is located in Cary, North Carolina and our main website for other legal services is