Going through the process of obtaining gainful employment is hard for everyone, even more so if you have a criminal record. The state of North Carolina has several different options to obtain relief, however first you would have to determine whether or not you are eligible. The process by which to determine your eligibility for an expungement, or other possible types of relief, is quite simple, contact The Law Offices of Wiley Nickel, PLLC, at (919) 585-1486 for a free consultation. To learn more about our Law Firm, we encourage you to visit our website and meet the team at www.granadoslaw.com.
I would like to know if I’m eligible for an expungement if my conviction date was in 2004? If so what steps do I need to take. My charge was a Felony class H embezzlement. I had probation with restitution. My phone number is 252-207-7525
You can reach us at 919-585-1486 for a free consultation.